Students of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba (AAUA) have been at home since December and some since January. And its not that this activity started as a strike but holiday. All that was reported to be causing the holiday extending beyond the normal time was said to be that the Governor proposed an increase in school fees but they had not yet communicated the new school fees to the students.
Prior to past week when they actually saw their new school fees, rumours had been circulating that the school fees would be around 200,000 but the school management denied and said that they promise that the school fees would not be up to that amount.
According to the witness; “Last week we were told that we could now check our portal for our invoice. People began to check and some saw that their new school fees was 120,000 for some it was 150,000 for some it was 180,000 and for some it was 200,000. I’m supposed to now pay 150,000 from less than 40,000 because i support the payment of the fee to make things easy for my parent”.
“Our student union government decided to organize a protest against the obnoxious increment in our school fees and the protest has started in Akure since Monday till yesterday, Wednesday. On the first day of the protest students who were protesting peacefully which they have the right to were attacked with teargas and because of this few people got injured.
A lot of students started looking for kerosine to wash theirs faces with us that the effect of the teargas can wear off. The protest was holding close to the market area in Akure so it disrupted the market activities a lot and that was what made the market women join the protest subsequently.
The second day of the protest went well… It was peaceful and there was no attack from the police.
On the 3rd day of the protest which was yesterday,parents, students, AAUA, RUGIPO, FUTA, OSUSTECH had joined the struggle. The police attacked the students and even got some parents injured by throwing teargas at them because they sighted the governor’s car in Akure and surrounded him.”
I hope government will look into this after even ben reported by top Nigeria media company as it seems to be unjust to disrupt people of their right to freedom of expression. No jobs are been created and even the available ones still carry still pay unreasonable salary that wont encourage youth to be truthful to what they studying, but yet; tuition fee get to rise every day.
We all hope this crisis can be settled as soon as possible so everyone can go back to their activity