After The Successful Release Of Be Happy Featuring Swift, hOrLAr decides to serve it to his fans hot as usual with this new tune christened God Of Elijah.
The Bible expressly says that: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. [2 Cor. 10:4]
From this scripture, we see that the devil’s strongholds exist. Yes! They exist, do not be ignorant of this fact (2 Cor. 2:11), and one sure way to overcome engage spiritual weapons.
One important weapon to engage is authoritative and victorious declarations, basically through prayer, hence, the song: God Of Elijah by hOrLAr @horlar_tdd
#GOE is a song of victorious living, produced by the magnificent Josh @joshbolutife
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#GOE #FayaFaya