Power tells the story of James Ghost St. Patrick, a wealthy New York City nightclub owner who caters to the city’s elite.
He wants to build an empire, turn the club into a Fortune 500 business, but there’s just one problem: Ghost is living a double life. When he is not in the club, he is the kingpin of the most lucrative drug network in New York for a very high-level clientele.
His marriage, family and business all become unknowingly threatened as he is tempted to leave his criminal life behind and become the rags-to-riches businessman he wants to be most of all.
Fans of Power since its first season in 2014 will know that the title of Season 6, Episode 15, “Exactly How We Planned,” mirrors that of Season 1, Episode 1, “Not Exactly How We Plan,” suggesting a link between the two episodes. One theory is that this could point to Tasha killing Ghost.